Hand drawn lines

I'm experimenting with drawing hand-drawn lines in p5.js. I want basic lines that kinda "wobble" due to human imperfection. The idea is to use a noise function and draw the line point by point with a slight deviation from the straight path.

Drawing a circle

If we have a way to draw a line, then I assume we can draw a circle using small segments. Let's try it out:

draw(300, 300, (p5) => {

  const samples = [0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7]

  samples.forEach((wobbliness, idx) => {
    const centerX = 150
    const centerY = 150
    const r = 20 + idx * 30
    const totalPoints = 100
    const angleStep = p5.TWO_PI / totalPoints

    for (let i = 0; i <= totalPoints; i++) {
      const angle = i * angleStep
      const x1 = centerX + p5.cos(angle) * r
      const y1 = centerY + p5.sin(angle) * r
      const x2 = centerX + p5.cos(angle + angleStep) * r
      const y2 = centerY + p5.sin(angle + angleStep) * r

      new Line(p5, x1, y1, x2, y2, { wobbliness }).draw()
      p5.text(wobbliness, centerX, centerY - r - 10)


Here is the Line class that draws the wobbly lines. The update method calculates the next point in the line and the draw method renders the line.

By default the lines are drawn in one go, but you can pass an animated option to draw the line point by point, which will require calling the update method in a loop.

class Line {
  static PROGRESS_INC = 0.01
  static WOBBLE_SCALE = 20

  constructor(p5, x1, y1, x2, y2, opts = {}) {
    this.p5 = p5
    this.progress = 0
    this.wobbliness = p5.constrain(opts.wobbliness ?? 0.3, 0, 1)
    this.source = p5.createVector(x1, y1)
    this.target = p5.createVector(x2, y2)
    this.prev = this.source.copy()
    this.points = [this.source]

    while (!opts.animated && this.progress < 1) {

  update() {
    if (this.progress >= 1) return

    this.progress = this.p5.constrain(this.progress + Line.PROGRESS_INC, 0, 1)

    const prev = this.points[this.points.length - 1]
    const noise = this.p5.noise(prev.x / 100, prev.y / 100)
    const wobble =
      this.p5.map(noise, 0, 1, -1, 1) * this.wobbliness * Line.WOBBLE_SCALE
    const nextPoint = P5.Vector.lerp(this.source, this.target, this.progress)
    const ortho = P5.Vector.sub(nextPoint, this.source)

    this.points.push(P5.Vector.add(nextPoint, ortho.mult(wobble)))

  draw() {
    this.points.forEach((p) => this.p5.curveVertex(p.x, p.y))