Open source
Explore some of our open source projects. Designed as creative and
technical explorations, each project explores new possibilities while
maintaining high technical standards and practical applications.
Discover more on github
System configuration made elegant
Use Lua's simplicity to automate your entire development environment in a single file. Generate blueprints and apply them at will.
Opinionated static site generator
Auteur automatically converts your codebase into a static documentation website.
Experimental Markup Language
Born as an experiment. This markup language supports directives, and is extendable via custom plugins 🧬
A clean resume template
A Typst template for a slick and professional looking resume with support for sidebar and multi-pages
Art & Installations
From creative coding sketches to physical installations. We believe in using technology as a creative medium. Explore below some of our favourite creations.

Hi, I'm Patrick. I founded Tronica to push the boundaries of what's
possible in creative technology. Working from Hong Kong, I collaborate
with an international network of innovative technologists.
a professional software consultant, I help businesses transform their digital
offering while pursuing creative technological innovations. If you have a business
challenge or a creative project in mind, feel free to reach out.